11 Tips About Pets in Rental Homes

Have you wondered about having pets in rental homes. If so, this comprehensive guide will help you understand the pros and cons of having pets in rental homes. If you’re a landlord or a tenant and have been wondering how to navigate this process, read on and you’ll find all the information you need.

An All-Inclusive Guide to Pets in Rental Homes

We all love our furry babies but what will the landlord think about you having pets in your rental home? In most cases as long as you follow their guidelines for qualifying your pets with the landlord. Ensure that your pet is well behaved and well groomed, and it shouldn’t be an issue. Read on to find out more about having pets in a rental home.

11 facts about pets in rental homes
What landlord and tenants should know about pets in rental homes.

Ever been in a fix, caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, trying to juggle your love for pets and the restrictions in your rental home? Well, folks, you’re not alone in this pet-versus-property predicament. Use this guide to help you maneuver the tricky terrain of keeping pets in rental homes. So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey of the highest highs and the lowest lows of being a pet parent in a rented haven.

I. Understanding Pet Policies in Rental Homes

We all know that reading the fine print can be as exciting as watching paint dry. Yet, when it comes to understanding pet policies in rental homes, it’s as important as remembering to feed your pet. Landlords are as diverse as dog breeds, each with their pet policies and stipulations. Some might welcome your Great Dane with open arms, while others might shudder at the thought of a goldfish.

1.1. Check Your Lease Agreement

Typically, rental agreements state the type of pets allowed—if at all—ranging from dogs and cats to more unusal pets like reptiles or birds. Size restrictions can mean that your dream of sharing your studio apartment with an Alaskan Malamute might need to be revised. The number of pets is also often regulated; starting a cat colony in your rental apartment might not go down well!

1.2 Additional Fees

Then there’s the moolah. Many landlords require a pet deposit—an additional security deposit to cover any potential pet-related damages. Some might even ask for ‘pet rent,’ a monthly fee for having your pet live with you. It’s clear that Fido or Fluffy aren’t just cute—they’re a financial commitment!

2. The Art of Negotiating Pets in Rental Homes

Now, don’t despair if you come across a rental agreement that seems less pet-friendly than you’d like. Landlords are human too (yes, really!), and they can be swayed with the right tactics. It’s all about negotiation, diplomacy, and showcasing your pet in the best light—basically, a PR campaign for your pet!

A pet resume can be a game-changer. Yes, you heard right—a resume for your pet. This can include all the shiny details about your pet—its breed, age, vaccinations, spaying/neutering status, and any training they’ve received. Throw in some references from your previous landlords and a cute photo.

2.1 Managing Pets in Rental Homes

Living with pets in rental homes can sometimes feel like being in a zoo. That’s why it’s important to consider the 11 facts about pets in rental homes. One moment it’s all cuddles and purrs, and the next, your beloved kitty is clawing at the new upholstery or peeing on the carpets. Ensuring good pet behavior is crucial—it can be the difference between a peaceful living situation and one where you’re always on tenterhooks.

3. Ensuring Good Pet Behavior In Rental Homes

Start by investing in professional training for your pet, especially dogs. Trained pets are less likely to cause havoc or disturb neighbors with constant barking or other antics. Establishing a routine can also help pets adjust to living in a rental home. Regular feeding times, walks, and play sessions can ensure that they’re content and less likely to indulge in destructive behavior.

3.1 Your Pet Needs Exercise

In the immortal words of Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” The same applies to pets—ample physical and mental stimulation can help keep them happy and well-behaved. So, whether it’s regular walks for your dog, play sessions with your cat, or providing engaging toys for your bird, make sure your pets are getting their daily dose of fun.

Fact 4 of 11 facts about pets in rental homes, picture this: You come home after a long day at work, only to find that your dog has decided that the living room carpet was its new chew toy. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, when you have pets in rental homes, you’ve got to be prepared for such scenarios and pay for the damage they make.

4.1 Pet Groming

Prevention is better than cure. Regular grooming sessions can reduce shedding and the need for your pet toscratch or gnaw. For dogs, nail trims can prevent them from scratching your floors or furniture. Regular grooming can also keep your rental home free from pet hair.

4.2 Protect The Furniture And Flooring From Pet Damage

Consider pet-friendly furniture covers or use materials like leather or microfiber, which are more resistant to pet-related wear and tear. And remember, accidents happen! If your pet has an accident, clean it up immediately to prevent long-lasting stains or odors. Having a stash of pet-friendly cleaning supplies on hand can be a real lifesaver in such situations. A pet-friendly rental home is not just about accommodating your pet, it’s also about keeping the place in top-notch condition.

5 Is It A Service Animal Or A Pet

Many tenants think that they can buy a certificate online that they can use with a property management company as evidence that their pet is an emotional support animal. Our advice is don’t waste your money. Good property managers especially in Florida know all about them and most won’t accept them. What is acceptable is when you follow the guidelines and ensure your service animal meets the criteria

Navigating the legal aspects of pets in rental homes can sometimes feel like you’re trapped in a roundabout—spinning in circles and getting nowhere. But understanding your rights and responsibilities as a tenant with pets is crucial.

5.2 Know Your Rights and Responsibilities Of Having Pets in Rental Homes

In general, tenants have the right to a safe and habitable living environment, but with rights come responsibilities. As a pet-owning tenant, you’re responsible for your pet’s behavior and any damage they cause. So, if your pet scratches up the hardwood floor, or causes a noise nuisance, you’re likely responsible for fixing the problem. Invest in renter’s insurance, as some policies cover pet-related damages, which could save you from shelling out big bucks if your pet decides to remodel your living room!

6. The Intricacies of Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

Service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs) aren’t just pets—they provide necessary support for individuals with disabilities. The rules surrounding them in rental homes are a different ball game. ESA’s and Service animals and are protected under the Fair Housing Act, which means landlords cannot refuse accommodation or charge extra fees for these animals. However, tenants must provide appropriate documentation confirming their need for the service or support animal.

6.1 Honesty Is The Best Policy

Don’t try to bend the rules or falsely claim your pet as an ESA or service animal—it’s illegal and unethical. Remember, honesty is the best policy!

7. The Impact of Pets on Rental Homes

Living in a rental home is like being part of a mini-community, and your pet is an extension of you. While you might think your cat’s midnight zoomies are adorable, your downstairs neighbor might not share your enthusiasm.

7.1 How Pets In Rental Homes Affect Your Relationship with Neighbors

Noisy pets can strain neighborly relations. If your dog has a habit of singing the songs of its people at ungodly hours, it might lead to complaints. Similarly, if your neighbor has allergies, your pet’s hair could become a bone of contention. Open communication can help mitigate potential issues. Let your neighbors know about your pet and assure them that you’re taking steps to prevent any inconvenience.

8. Weighing the Costs: Financial Implications of Pets in Rental Homes

Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can pay pet fees! Having pets in rental homes can have some financial implications. Pet deposits are often required and can range from a few hundred to a thousand dollars, depending on the landlord. This deposit is refundable, provided your pet doesn’t turn the rental home into a disaster area a pet fee is non-refundable.

8.1 Pet Fees For Rental Homes

Some landlords charge a pet fee instead of a deposit. This is non refundable and is a one time fee to approve your pet to live in the property. Then there’s pet rent—a non-refundable monthly fee that some landlords charge. Add in potential charges for property damages caused by your pet, and it’s clear that Fido or Fluffy might need to start pulling their weight around here!

8.2 Pros and Cons of Pets in Rental Homes

If the landlord prohibits pets quite often the tenants will sneak them in. There’s an emotional bond between most everyone and their pets. It’s best to look at the tenants pets to see if they look well groomed and well behaved. Also, ensure that both the landlords and tenants have an insurance policy that covers pets. Some Insurance companies have restictions on types of pets, breeds or weight restrictions.

9. Benefits of Pets in Rental Homes

Having pets in rental homes isn’t all doom and gloom—it’s like having a permanent roommate who thinks the world of you. Pets provide unconditional love and companionship, brightening up even the darkest days. Their adorable antics can bring a smile to your face and give a warm, homely vibe to your rental space.

9.1 Pets Need Exercise And Routine

Having a pet can also foster a sense of responsibility and routine, as they require feeding, exercise, and care. This can be particularly beneficial for kids or those living alone. Plus, if you’re new to the neighborhood, walking your dog or hanging out with your pet in common areas can be a great conversation starter, helping you make connections in your community.

10. Challenges of Pets in Rental Homes

While pets can make your rental house feel like a home, they also come with their fair share of challenges. It’s not all cuddles on the couch and fun walks in the park. One of the major challenges of having pets in rental homes is dealing with pet restrictions. Some landlords or property management companies might have breed or size restrictions. Finding a rental property that fits both your needs and your pet’s can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

11.The Costs Of Pets In Rental Homes

Then there’s the added financial burden of pet deposits, pet rent, and potential charges for any damages caused by your pet. Plus, you may need to spend additional time and effort on cleaning and maintenance to keep your rental home pet-friendly and in good condition.

FAQ’s About Pets in Rental Homes

1. Are landlords required to allow pets in rental homes?

In most cases, it’s up to the landlord’s discretion whether or not to allow pets. However, they are legally required to make reasonable accommodations for service animals and emotional support animals.

2. Can a landlord change the pet policy after the lease has been signed?

Typically, landlords cannot change the terms of a lease once it’s signed. However, if you violate the pet policy or cause significant damage, they might choose not to renew your lease.

3. Can I be evicted for getting a pet without approval?

If your lease agreement stipulates no pets, or if you have not sought approval for your pet, getting a pet could be grounds for eviction.

4. What is a pet deposit?

A pet deposit is a refundable amount you pay at the start of your lease to cover potential pet-related damages. It is separate from your security deposit.

5. What is pet rent?

Pet rent is a non-refundable monthly fee added to your rent for having a pet. It’s like your pet is pitching in for the bills!

6. What Is A Pet Fee?

A pet fee is often charged by a landlord to approve your pet to live in a home and it’s non-refundable and usually a one time fee.

7. Can I hide my pet from my landlord?

While you might be tempted to turn your pet into a secret agent, it’s a risky move. If found out, you could face eviction or financial penalties.


Living with pets in rental homes is a journey filled with laughter, companionship, occasional headaches, and lots of love. It requires planning, understanding, negotiation, and a significant amount of responsibility. So, if you’re contemplating sharing your rental home with a furry, or feathery friend, remember to weigh the pros and cons, understand the legal implications, and prepare for a financial commitment. But most of all, enjoy the experience of sharing your life with a pet.


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Anne-Marie McCormack
Anne-Marie McCormack

Anne-Marie McCormack has been a Florida licensed Real Estate Broker since 1996. She has worked as a realtor in property management, rentals and sales in Kissimmee, Davenport, and Orlando, Florida since 1991.

She heads the team at McCormack Realty & Renters Choice Homes and has lots of experience with long-term and short-term rentals and sales. . Anne-Marie owned and operated a short-term-rental, property management company from 1994-2004. Since then McCormack Realty & Renters Choice Homes has focused on long-term rentals and sales of residential, investment homes and vacation homes also known as holiday lets.

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